Хороший репетитор по английскому посоветовал бы выполнить все упражнения для повторения и закрепления ранее изученной темы.
Перед выполнением упражнений желательно посмотреть информацию о том, как строятся утверждения, отрицания и вопросы в Past Perfect, Passive.
Past Perfect, Passive. Упражнение № 1
Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки:
Выполните следующий тест. Раскройте скобки, следуя структурам построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Perfect, Passive (страдательный залог).
- The exercise (to do) by 10 o'clock yesterday
- The books (not to write) before he came
- Why the letter (to return)?
- The car (to repair)
- The vegetables (not to buy)
- Why the text (to erase)?
- The glass (to break)
- He (not to call)
- The dog (to photograph)?
- The picture (to paint)
- He (not to imprison)
- The project (to finish)?
- The water (to drink)
- The mail (not to receive)
- The sculpture (to sell)?
- The exercise had been done by 10 o'clock yesterday
- The books hadn't been written before he came
- Why had the letter been returned?
- The car had been repaired
- The vegetables hadn't been bought
- Why had the text been erased?
- The glass had been broken
- He hadn't been called
- Had the dog been photographed?
- The picture had been painted
- He hadn't been imprisoned
- Had the project been finished?
- The water had been drunk
- The mail hadn't been received
- Had the sculpture been sold?
Past Perfect, Passive. Упражнение № 2
Пожалуйста, переведите предложения:
Выполните следующий тест. Переведите предложения, следуя структурам построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Perfect, Passive (страдательный залог).
- Песня была спета к 22 часам
- Ему не задали тот вопрос перед тем, как она пришла
- Тебе дали инструкции?
- Цветы полили
- Мусор не выкинули
- Тарелки помыли?
- Он выгулял собаку
- Собаку научили прыгать
- Собака была здоровой до того, как он ее купил?
- Я ответил на все вопросы
- Они ничего ему не предложили
- Вас представили друг другу?
- Я записал видео
- Ты не смотрел тот фильм
- Тебя пригласили?
- The song had been sung by 10 in the evening
- He hadn't been asked that question before she came
- Had you been given instructions?
- The flowers had been watered
- The trash hadn't been thrown out
- Had the dishes been washed?
- The dog had been walked by him
- The dog had been taught to jump
- Had the dog been healthy before he bought it?
- I had answered all the questions
- He hadn't been offered anything by them
- Had you been introduced to each other?
- A video had been recorded by me
- That movie hadn't been watched by you
- Had you been invited?