Вы также можете изучить Past Continuous Active самостоятельно.
30 примеров отрицаний в Past Continuous Active
- I was not reading a book - Я не читал книгу
- She was not watching a movie - Она не смотрела кино
- He was not swimming - Он не плавал
- They were not running - Они не бегали
- We were not reading - Мы не читали
- You were not listening to music - Ты не слушал музыку
- Everything was not going well - Все не шло хорошо
- I was not playing video games - Я не играл в видеоигры
- She was not cleaning the flat - Она не убирала квартиру
- He was not cooking dinner - Он не готовил обед
- They were not working - Они не работали
- We were not walking - Мы не гуляли
- You were not eating - Ты не ел
- I was not watching you - Я не наблюдал за тобой
- She was not smoking - Она не курила
- He was not sitting - Он не сидел
- They were not talking - Они не общались
- We were not studying - Мы не учились
- You were not earning money - Ты не зарабатывал деньги
- I was not coughing - Я не кашлял
- She was not writing - Она не писала
- He was not typing - Он не печатал
- They were not playing the guitar - Они не играли на гитаре
- We were not looking at each other - Мы не смотрели друг на друга
- You were not visiting relatives - Ты не навещал родственников
- I was not drinking water - Я не пил воду
- She was not staying late - Она не засиживалась допоздна
- He was not sleeping - Он не спал
- They were not preparing a report - Они не готовили отчет
- We were not laughing - Мы не смеялись