Вы также можете изучить Past Continuous Passive самостоятельно.
30 примеров вопросов в Past Continuous Passive
- Was the bridge being built by them? - Мост строился ими?
- Were the flowers being watered? - Цветы поливались?
- Was the car being repaired? - Машина чинилась?
- Were the songs being sung? - Песни пелись?
- Was the homework being done? - Домашняя работа выполнялась?
- Were the texts being typed? - Тексты печатались?
- Was the music being listened to? - Музыка слушалась?
- Was the dog being walked? - Собака выгуливалась?
- Were the games being played? - В игры играли?
- Was the story being told? - История рассказывалась?
- Was I being helped? - Мне помогали?
- Was she being escorted home? - Ее провожали домой?
- Was dinner being cooked? - Обед готовился?
- Was the food being eaten by them? - Они ели еду?
- Was music being composed? - Музыка сочинялась?
- Was the flat being cleaned? - В квартире убирались?
- Were the letters being written? - Письма писались?
- Were the records being made? - Записи делались?
- Was the text being checked? - Текст проверялся?
- Were the chairs being sold? - Стулья продавались?
- Were the tables being bought? - Столы покупались?
- Was the watch being fixed? - Часы чинились?
- Were the pictures being painted? - Картины рисовались?
- Were the files being deleted? - Файлы удалялись?
- Were the statistics being checked? - Статистику проверяли?
- Were the photos being downloaded? - Фото скачивались?
- Was the tea being drunk? - Чай пился?
- Were the vegetables being cut? - Овощи резались?
- Was the document being translated? - Документ переводился?
- Were the tests being passed? - Тесты сдавались?