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Future Perfect in the Past Passive: примеры вопросов

Примеры вопросов в Future Perfect in the Past Passive
Я подготовил для вас 30 примеров вопросительных предложений в Future Perfect in the Past Passive. Страдательный залог. Перевод прилагается.

Вы также можете изучить Future Perfect in the Past Passive самостоятельно.

30 примеров вопросов в Future Perfect in the Past Passive

  1. Would the dog have been fed by evening? - Собаку покормят к вечеру?
  2. Would the exercise have been done? - Упражнение будет сделано?
  3. Would the dishes have been washed? - Тарелки будут помыты?
  4. Would the food have been bought? - Еда будет куплена?
  5. Would the bed have been sold? - Кровать будет продана?
  6. Would the letter have been written? - Письмо будет написано?
  7. Would the song have been recorded? - Песня будет записана?
  8. Would the car have been painted? - Машина будет покрашена?
  9. Would the exam have been passed? - Экзамен будет сдан?
  10. Would the rules have been learned? - Правила будут выучены?
  11. Would the file have been downloaded? - Файл будет скачан?
  12. Would the movie have been watched? - Кино будет посмотрено?
  13. Would the work have been completed? - Работа будет завершена?
  14. Would the cake have been eaten? - Торт будет съеден?
  15. Would the card have been received? - Карту получат?
  16. Would the bag have been stolen? - Сумка будет украдена?
  17. Would money have been earned? - Деньги будут заработаны?
  18. Would the application have been deleted? - Приложение будет удалено?
  19. Would the conversation have been ended? - Разговор будет закончен?
  20. Would the dog have been walked? - Собаку выгуляют?
  21. Would the room have been cleaned? - Комнату уберут?
  22. Would the file have been opened? - Файл будет открыт?
  23. Would the folder have been protected? - Папка будет защищена?
  24. Would the image have been found? - Картинку найдут?
  25. Would soup have been cooked? - Суп будет сварен?
  26. Would the book have been read? - Книга будет прочитана?
  27. Would the work have been saved? - Работа будет сохранена?
  28. Would the picture have been described? - Картинка будет описана?
  29. Would the program have been tweaked? - Программа будет настроена?
  30. Would the icon have been added? - Иконка будет добавлена?
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