Хороший репетитор по английскому посоветовал бы выполнить все упражнения для повторения и закрепления ранее изученной темы.
Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки:
Выполните упражнения, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в страдательном залоге в прошлом простом времени.
- He (to give) a present
- She (not to meet) by him
- They (to introduce) to each other?
- Flowers (to receive) by her
- They (not to see) by him
- The letters (to write) by them?
- The exercise (to do) by him
- The products (not to buy) by them
- The test (to complete) by her?
- The light (to turn off) by him
- The newspaper (not to read) by her
- The bananas (to eat) by them?
- The car (to fix) by him
- The disease (not to cure) by her
- The money (to collect) by them?
- He was given a present
- She wasn't met by him
- Were they introduced to each other?
- Flowers were received by her
- They weren't seen by him
- Were the letters written by them?
- The exercise was done by him
- The products weren't bought by them
- Was the test completed by her?
- The light was turned off by him
- The newspaper wasn't read by her
- Were the bananas eaten by them?
- The car was fixed by him
- The disease wasn't cured by her
- Was the money collected by them?
Пожалуйста, переведите предложения:
Выполните упражнения, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple, Passive.
- Домашняя работа была сделана им
- Еда не была приготовлена
- Книга была прочитана?
- Часы были починены
- Песня не была спета
- Кружка была куплена?
- Статья была опубликована
- Он не был приглашен
- Музыка понравилась ему?
- Кино было посмотрено ими
- Посуда не была помыта
- Мусор был выкинут?
- Компьютер был включен мною
- Песня не была слышна на улице
- Телефон был продан?
- The homework was done by him
- The food wasn't cooked
- Was the book read?
- The clock / watch was fixed
- The song wasn't sung
- Was the cup bought?
- The article was published
- He wasn't invited
- Was the music liked by him?
- The movie was watched by them
- The dishes weren't washed
- Was the trash thrown away?
- The computer was turned on by me
- The song wasn't heard in the street
- Was the phone sold?