Вот несколько упражнений по Future in the Past, Passive. Практикуйте построение утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в страдательном залоге во Future in the Past.
Хороший репетитор по английскому посоветовал бы выполнить все упражнения для повторения и закрепления ранее изученной темы.
Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки:
He (to say) that the letter (to write) the next day
She (to mention) that the products (not to buy)
The car (to fix) the following week?
The flowers (to plant)
Music (not to listen) by them
The book (not to receive)?
They (to utter) that the application (to code) successfully
Teeth (not to brush)
The rule (to understand)?
The clothes (to wear)
The game (not to win)
The money (to spend)?
The paintings (to sell)
The books (not to read)
The horses (to ride)?
He said that the letter would be written the next day
She mentioned that the products would not be bought
Would the car be fixed the following week?
The flowers would be planted
Music would not be listened to by them
Would the book be received?
They uttered that the application would be coded successfully
Teeth would not be brushed
Would the rule be understood?
The clothes would be worn
The game would not be won
Would the money be spent?
The paintings would be sold
The books would not be read
Would the horses be ridden?
Пожалуйста, переведите предложения:
Он сказал, что долг будет уплачен
Она ответила, что инструкции не будут выданы
Скульптура будет создана?
Завтрак будет съеден
Платья не будут выбраны
Книги будут сожжены?
Он добавил, что газету принесут
Посуду не помоют
Чай будет выпит?
Он заявил, что здание будет построено
Новая картина не будет написана
Письмо будет отправлено?
Обед будет приготовлен
Приложение не будет скачано
Пост будет опубликован?
He said that the debt would be paid
She replied that the instructions would not be given out