Хороший репетитор по английскому посоветовал бы выполнить все упражнения для повторения и закрепления ранее изученной темы.
Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки:
- He (to say) that the letter (to write) the next day
- She (to mention) that the products (not to buy)
- The car (to fix) the following week?
- The flowers (to plant)
- Music (not to listen) by them
- The book (not to receive)?
- They (to utter) that the application (to code) successfully
- Teeth (not to brush)
- The rule (to understand)?
- The clothes (to wear)
- The game (not to win)
- The money (to spend)?
- The paintings (to sell)
- The books (not to read)
- The horses (to ride)?
- He said that the letter would be written the next day
- She mentioned that the products would not be bought
- Would the car be fixed the following week?
- The flowers would be planted
- Music would not be listened to by them
- Would the book be received?
- They uttered that the application would be coded successfully
- Teeth would not be brushed
- Would the rule be understood?
- The clothes would be worn
- The game would not be won
- Would the money be spent?
- The paintings would be sold
- The books would not be read
- Would the horses be ridden?
Пожалуйста, переведите предложения:
- Он сказал, что долг будет уплачен
- Она ответила, что инструкции не будут выданы
- Скульптура будет создана?
- Завтрак будет съеден
- Платья не будут выбраны
- Книги будут сожжены?
- Он добавил, что газету принесут
- Посуду не помоют
- Чай будет выпит?
- Он заявил, что здание будет построено
- Новая картина не будет написана
- Письмо будет отправлено?
- Обед будет приготовлен
- Приложение не будет скачано
- Пост будет опубликован?
- He said that the debt would be paid
- She replied that the instructions would not be given out
- Would the sculpture be created?
- Breakfast would be eaten
- Dresses would not be chosen
- Would the books be burned?
- He added that the newspaper would be brought
- The dishes would not be washed
- Would the tea be drunk?
- He declared that the building would be built
- A new painting would not be painted
- Would the letter be sent?
- Dinner would be cooked
- The application would not be downloaded
- Would the post be published?