Вы также можете изучить Future Perfect in the Past Active самостоятельно.
30 примеров отрицаний в Future Perfect in the Past Active
- He said he would not have come by 11pm - Он сказал, что он не придет к 23
- She would not have been at home (by 9 pm) - Она не будет дома (к 21)
- They would not have repaired the car - Они не починят машину
- We would not have watched the movie - Мы не посмотрим кино
- I would not have finished the project - Я не завершу проект
- He would not have turned on the computer - Он не включит компьютер
- She would not have cooked the food - Она не приготовит еду
- They would not have left home - Они не уйдут из дома
- We would not have downloaded new music - Мы не скачаем новую музыку
- I would not have delivered the package - Я не доставлю посылку
- He would not have met her - Он не познакомится с ней
- She would not have cleaned the room - Она не уберется в комнате
- They would not have played two video games - Они не поиграют в две видеоигры
- We would not have typed the text - Мы не напечатаем текст
- I would not have installed the application - Я не установлю приложение
- He would not have sold the piano - Он не продаст пианино
- She would not have bought a chair - Она не купит стул
- They would not have sung a song - Они не споют песню
- We would not have fed the dog - Мы не накормим собаку
- I would not have composed a new song - Я не сочиню новую песню
- He would not have caught a fish - Он не поймает рыбку
- She would not have made a dress - Она не сошьет платье
- They would not have reported a crime - Они не доложат о преступлении
- We would not have completed the training - Мы не пройдем обучение
- I would not have discovered a new music band - Я не открою для себя новую музыкальную группу
- He would not have had breakfast - Он не позавтракает
- She would not have forgotten that by Monday - Она не забудет это к понедельнику
- They would not have lost patience - Они не потеряют терпение
- We would not have returned by morning - Мы не вернемся к утру
- I would not have drunk all Coca-Cola by evening - К вечеру я не выпью всю Кока-колу