Частный репетитор по английскому

Past Simple: упражнения

Вот несколько упражнений по глагольному и безглагольному Past Simple, Active. Практикуйте построение утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в действительном залоге в Past Simple, Active.

Хороший репетитор по английскому посоветовал бы выполнить все приведённые упражнения чтобы повторить и закрепить знание простого прошедшего времени.

Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки:

  1. He (to leave) London yesterday
  2. She (not to call) him last week
  3. When they (to return)?
  4. Tim (to like) soup very much
  5. Mike (not to see) her last week
  6. Jane (to watch) the new movie?
  7. I (to think) that she (to be) a good girl
  8. He (not to be) at school when I (to call)
  9. You (to be) at home at 9 o'clock yesterday?
  10. I (to be) in Germany last week
  11. She (not to) understand the rule
  12. Pete (to come) in time yesterday?
  13. I (to order) a lot of food a few minutes ago
  14. She (not to meet) him yesterday
  15. He (to forget) her birthday?


  1. He left London yesterday
  2. She didn't call him last week
  3. When did they return?
  4. Tim liked soup very much
  5. Mike didn't see her last week
  6. Did Jane watch the new movie?
  7. I thought that she was a good girl
  8. He wasn't at school when I called
  9. Were you at home at 9 o'clock yesterday?
  10. I was in Germany last week
  11. She didn't understand the rule
  12. Did Pete come in time yesterday?
  13. I ordered a lot of food a few minutes ago
  14. She didn't meet him yesterday
  15. Did he forget her birthday?

Пожалуйста, переведите предложения:

  1. Он сказал мне, что он был хорошим мальчиком
  2. Они не выучили текст
  3. Она купила все продукты?
  4. Я знал много дат
  5. Я не гулял в парке вчера
  6. Ты нашел ручку неделю назад?
  7. Вчера он пошел в школу рано
  8. Он не получил паспорт
  9. Ты вчера играл в игры?
  10. Вчера я поплавал в озере
  11. Он не принес мяч домой
  12. Что ты ему сказала?
  13. Он выпил весь сок
  14. Они не пришли на встречу
  15. Когда ты приехал?


  1. He told me that he was a good boy
  2. They didn't learn the text
  3. Did she buy all the products?
  4. I knew a lot of dates
  5. I didn't walk in the park yesterday
  6. Did you find the pen a week ago?
  7. He went to school early yesterday
  8. He didn't receive his passport
  9. Did you play games yesterday?
  10. I swam in the lake yesterday
  11. He didn't bring the ball home
  12. What did you tell him?
  13. He drank all the juice
  14. They didn't come to the meeting
  15. When did you arrive?
2022-09-10 11:46 Практиковать грамматику