Я подготовил для вас упражнения на Future Perfect in the Past Active (действительный залог) и смысловой глагол с ответами и переводом. Перед выполнением упражнений, советую вспомнить, как правильно строить предложения в Future Perfect in the Past Active.
Future Perfect in the Past Active: упражнение #1
Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения утверждений, отрицаний и вопросов в глагольном Future Perfect in the Past Active.
- He said he (to finish) work by 7 p.m.
- She said she (not to make) breakfast by 7 a.m.
- They (to paint) the walls by evening?
- I mentioned I (to fix) the car by Monday
- We mentioned we (not to type) the text by Tuesday
- You (to buy) everything by 8 p.m.?
- He stated he (to watch) the movie by the end of the week
- She stated she (not to sell) the furniture by midday
- They (to clean) the apartment by 9 p.m.?
- I said I (to wash) the dishes by evening
- We said we (not to water) the flowers by 3 p.m.
- You (to feed) the dog by 8 a.m.?
- He mentioned he (to call) her by midday
- She mentioned she (not to download) the file by evening
- They (to learn) the poem by 5 p.m.?
Ответы и перевод:
- He said he would have finished work by 7 p.m. - Он сказал, что закончит работу к 19:00
- She said she would not have made breakfast by 7 a.m. - Она сказала, что не приготовит завтрак к 07:00
- Would they have painted the walls by evening? - Они покрасят стены к вечеру?
- I mentioned I would have fixed the car by Monday - Я упомянул, что починю машину к понедельнику
- We mentioned we would not have typed the text by Tuesday - Мы упомянули, что не напечатаем текст ко вторнику
- Would you have bought everything by 8 p.m.? Ты купишь все к 20:00?
- He stated he would have watched the movie by the end of the week - Он отметил, что посмотрит кино к концу недели
- She stated she would not have sold the furniture by midday - Она отметила, что не продаст мебель к полудню
- Would they have cleaned the apartment by 9 p.m.? - Они уберутся в квартире к 21:00?
- I said I would have washed the dishes by evening - Я сказал, что намою посуду к вечеру
- We said we would not have watered the flowers by 3 p.m. - Мы сказали, что не польем цветы к 15:00
- Would you have fed the dog by 8 a.m.? - Ты накормишь собаку к 08:00?
- He mentioned he would have called her by midday - Он упомянул, что позвонит ей к полудню
- She mentioned she would not have downloaded the file by evening - Она упомянула, что не скачает файл к вечеру
- Would they have learned the poem by 5 p.m.? - Они выучат стихотворение к 17:00?
Future Perfect in the Past Active: упражнение #2
Пожалуйста, переведите предложения, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных глагольных предложений в Future Perfect in the Past Active.
- Она сказала, что приедет к 17:00
- Он сказал, что не прочитает книгу к пятнице
- Они сохранят изменения в файле к полудню?
- Я упомянул, что арендую дом к понедельнику
- Мы упомянули, что не найдем хороший фильм к 20:00
- Ты удалишь папку к вечеру?
- Она отметила, что начнет пользоваться новым браузером к концу недели
- Он отметил, что не создаст новое приложение к субботе
- Они загрузят новую информацию к воскресенью?
- Она сказала, что распечатает все тексты в полудню
- Он сказал, что не примет условия договора
- Они запишут новую музыку?
- Я упомянул, что заплачу за курс к концу месяца
- Он упомянул, что не напишет книгу к концу года
- Мы закончим учиться к июню?
- She said she would have arrived by 5 p.m.
- He said he would not have read the book by Friday
- Would they have saved all the changes in the file by midday?
- I mentioned I would have rented the house by Monday
- We mentioned we would not have found a good movie by 8 p.m.
- Would you have deleted the folder by evening?
- She stated she would have started using a new browser by the end of the week
- He stated he would not have created a new app by Saturday
- Would they have uploaded the new information by Sunday?
- She said she would have printed all the texts by midday
- He said he would not have accepted the conditions of the contract
- Would they have recorded new music?
- I mentioned I would have paid for the course by the end of the month
- He mentioned he would not have written the book by the end of the year
- Would we have finished studying by June?